New Indoor Percussion Show - Be Good
2021 Catalog is Live!
An unconventional year calls for an unconventional catalogue. A lot of our shows that we were excited to release this year had to be delayed until next year because of cancelled marching band seasons and out of respect for the bands that commissioned them. So our catalogue consists of plenty of new material, some classics that got updated for 2021, some drum corps shows we wrote that are now playable for high school bands and some shows that have been in the works for years, and are finally seeing the light of day! This catalogue has a really nice variety of ability levels and depth of concepts and we couldn’t be more excited to share it with you! Check out the 12 shows that are ready to go and check back in the coming days for 4 additional shows that we we are finishing up as we speak!
Indoor Winds Shows
Guess what!? We now have indoor winds shows! As you prepare for this upcoming indoor season, consider our catalog. All of our current indoor winds shows are published through Center-X productions but if you are interested in a commission, contact us below! We can write from scratch, rearrange an existing show, or combine a few to make your perfect indoor winds show. Let us help you design your next indoor winds production!
2021 Catalog
We hope this blog post finds you well! It has been a difficult summer for everyone, ourselves included. We all took August off. Jeff spent time with his wife and newborn daughter while Tim and Pete geared up for the start of their school years. The time away was refreshing and helpful both mentally and emotionally. But as September rolls on we are pointing our eyes towards the release of the 2021 catalog due early November. We have some brand new shows never released as well as some updating of older shows. Be on the lookout for our new catalog in a few months. Can’t wait to share it with you all!
New Show - Another Brick in the Wall - WITHOUT Battery
We continue to grow our catalog of shows that have been arranged to exclude battery. Today, we add one more to the list! Another Brick in the Wall has been a top selling and top performing show for the last 2 years. Now it can be performed by ensembles who choose not to field a drumline. Follow the link below for details and a recording.